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Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA)

France’s Ministries of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and Higher Education and Research (MESR) in collaboration with Campus France, have implemented a visiting fellowships program for young researcher, Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA), to welcome young foreign researchers wishing to conduct further research in France.

MOPGA : Visiting Fellowship Program for Young Researchers (40 fellowships)

Who may apply ?

Foreign researchers holding a doctoral degree for less than 5 years can respond to this call for proposals. All nationalities are eligible except the French one.

A minimum of 40 fellowships will be awarded to the young researchers over a 12-month period from September of each academic year.

A Hosting Agreement (convention de séjour de recherche) will have to be established between the MOPGA Fellow and the host institution. This Agreement will specify the means and resources made available by the host laboratory so that the researcher can carry out the research project. 
Here for more information

The fellowship includes the following benefits:

  • Monthly allowance of 2 500 euros  
  • Moving allowance of 500 euros
  • Support for social security coverage 
  • Support for health insurance
A visiting fellowship agreement with the French host institution will be established between the institutions and the laureates. It will specify the means and resources made available by the host laboratory so that the researcher can carry out the research project.
Research themes

Five broad research themes are eligible:

  • Earth systems
  • Climate change and sustainability
  • Energy transition
  • Societal challenges of environmental issues
  • Human, animal and ecosystem health as part as a "One Health" approach.
Selection process
Consistent with the aims and requirements of this call for applications, the selection process will unfold in two phases. In the first phase, scientific experts in the covered fields will evaluate the applications received. In the second phase, an international committee will select the 40 final fellows for the MOPGA program.

Candidates must:
•    have obtained their PhD less than five years prior to the application (i.e. they must have defended their PhD between December 2018 and December 2023),
•    NOT hold French citizenship,
•    not have resided in France after October 9th, 2024 (more than 90 days).

The start of the MOPGA Visiting Fellowship for Young Researchers is due to take effect in September 2024.

Application deadline : 9 January 2024

For more information about the application process, please click here.

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